Recovery Support Is Out There

For individuals in recovery, it is important to have a plan in place to prevent relapse.

By Ligia Romero

This year’s winter month’s have been really interesting, to say the least.  We have had sunny days with semi warm temperature, rainy days with thunder, snow days that have kept us cooped up and last but not least, freezing temperatures.

The winter months can be difficult.  Some of us become “blue” or “depressed” during this period.  So it’s important to have steps in place to help.  For individuals in recovery, it is important to have a plan in place to prevent relapse.  Here are a few tips:

If you are bored, contact friends that are sober and clean.  Develop a “sober” social life.   

Recognize your triggers, a bar, a smell, a sound an old “using” friend.  Have a plan to prevent/avoid using when this comes up.

Call a sponsor and share.  Go to a meeting.

Read your Big Book.

Recognize that no one does it alone.  AA and NA are a big help to some, as are other types of groups.  Find a support system you are comfortable with and stick with it.

Take care of you first.  Taking care of others is fine, but you and your recovery come first.

It’s O.K. to go back to treatment or counseling.  It’s much better than going back to drinking and using.

If you relapse, help is always available.  Get back on that horse and start all over.

Call your case manager.

No one said staying sober would be easy.  It takes a lot of work.  It takes “wanting it”.

For many living with HIV, sobriety and dealing with addiction have been particularly difficult during COVID-19. If you need support with your sobriety journey, please check out these resources:

Recovery Support Is Out There


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